Friday, August 28, 2009

11 problems, known to every woman.

woman problem
Bad mood

Gloom, constant tiredness, lack of initiative and inability to experience the joy of bygone pleasures - these are the typical symptoms of depression. Unfortunately, we often do not pay attention to them and to charge that «whirled, overworked». Meanwhile, the depression may be a manifestation of another, more serious diseases - such as anemia, thyroid dysfunction or hormonal problems. By the way, problems with the thyroid gland in women occur much more frequently than men. So even in a bad mood may be a reason to check with your doctor.

Not just in a bad mood

PMS has become the object of many jokes and storys of men, but women know something that is ridiculously low. Of course, the degree of severity varies depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, but the most common symptoms - irritability, and excessive delay of moisture in the body. As a result of a bad mood added to dissatisfaction with their appearance (due to some swelling of the female body may temporarily increase), which only exacerbates the emotional state.

Correct case may an extra helping of vitamins and minerals, to be exact - of magnesium. It also helps produce the hormone joy dopamine and thus level the manifestation of PMS, but at the same time helps to assimilate calcium, potassium and vitamin C, regulates metabolism and provides dental health and heart. It is included in lemons, grapefruits, nuts (especially almonds), apples, beans and green vegetables. Also mgany helps rid the body of excess water.

Unsuccessful epilation

Probably not on earth happy, which never had to take up the wax or razor blades. Unfortunately, not always at home hair removal ends favorably. Ingrown hair, skin irritation, infection, «bitch udder» - with such complaints to a dermatologist come every day, especially in summer when the hair removal has become almost a daily ritual.

Since long-term methods of hair removal may not be available to all (at least at the prices), the doctors advised to be extremely careful about how, during and after epilation, as through tiny cuts in your skin can get dangerous infections. Here are simple guidelines:

• If you removed the hair wax, do not swim in pools or natural bodies of water at least 2 days after epilation.
• Hair under the arms can be removed using ordinary razor without soap and water. Their structure and direction of growth can make it easy and safe. Moreover, because the wound will not be able to get the moisture and particles of soap, from which forms the so-called «bitch udder» or spiradenitis.

Almost every person in their lifetime ever suffered from back pain, but, statistically, women, this attack comprehends much more frequently. Effect, apparently, and pregnancy, and hormonal characteristics, and, yes, even the size of the bust. And the bones weak half of humanity are not as strong as in men: a woman's skeleton begins to lose density for a few years earlier.

However, escape from premature osteoporosis, hernias and stoop, you can use an ordinary physical. And shook his abdominal muscles and have a waist - that they are firmly supported by your spine. A simple exercise like this: Lie on your stomach, lean on your elbows and lift your back due to an abdominal strain (tear myself away from the floor to the shell and the hip, the fulcrum - his knees and elbows). Count to 20 and relax. Repeat 3 times morning and evening.


Many women try to cope with this common disease independently, through a variety of moisturizing creams and feminine hygiene products. But this will only bring temporary relief - the bacteria will remain in the same place and were. The best solution would be to go to the doctor and to pick up antibiotics to treat infections. A self-help relieve symptoms and help ... change of linen. Yes, bacteria candida like synthetics and moisture, so that the cotton and free cut - your best friend.

By the way, is often confused with the milkmaid called vaginosis, it also manifests itself in burning and discharge with a characteristic odor, but does not occur because of infectious contamination, and after the breach of the bacterial balance of genitals. The reason for the latter - again, wrong clothes, the love of sanitary pads, and the frequent use of scented soap. Remember: for intimate places need a special, intimate care.

It is treated vaginosis pills, and, more often, special gels.

Vitamin D

In recent years, oncologists and dermatologists have begun to actively condemn the solarium and tanning in general fascination: that fashion leads to problems with the skin and even cancer. Warnings reached their destination - more and more women refuse to beach holiday, or topped with sunscreen from head to toe. And thus practically deprive themselves of the only good source of vitamin D!

Of course, to overdo sunbathing is not necessary, but their absence would cause substantial harm to health. Vitamin D is necessary, first of all, the bones, as well as the impact on the state of our hair and nails. Deficiency of vitamin A is one of the most frequent causes of early osteoporosis and even rickets in women.

Cherishes its skeleton, but are afraid of cancer? Golden mean - to attend the open without sunscreen, but not more than 20 minutes a day.

«Faded love»

Lack of sexual desire in women - not just a problem of family matters. Yes, not every marriage can withstand problems in an intimate sulfur, but more importantly - for the woman's health Continence anything good, too, does not end there. Atkivnaya sex life is not only a means of protection from depression, but also provides high immunity and a strong heart.

The reasons for decreased libido can be a lot (more about them here). However, the most simple of course - menopause or beforepause period.

This time is usually linked to women and other health problems, so that when you are talking to a doctor with a request to correct your hormonal status, and the mention «intimate» problem - the specialist can help you find the right medication.

Loose bowels

Diarrhea and abdominal discomfort - a typical symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (RSK), which affects millions of women and men worldwide. Naturally, every case «discomfort» to a doctor not going to run, but at least home-treatment methods have skillfully. The main principle, gastroenterologists say - not a dairy and, of course, do not drink milk, for which many of us cling to the belief that it is, they say, «soften». Not at all: for diarrhea intestinal cells that produce enzymes for cleavage of milk, do not work, so that a couple of days you literally can not digest dairy products. And it will press on cream cheese - to tease your colon even more.


The problem we are used to explain the phrase «probably ate something» and treated with activated carbon. Unfortunately, not all so simple: frequent swellings may be indicative of a relatively harmless IBS, and about the «silent killer» - ovarian cancer. If the sense of swelling does not go more than 2 weeks and can not be cured conventional medicine and change of diet, it's time to check with the gynecologist.

Constant fatigue

With such a complaint patients often are sent to a blood test to check levels of iron in the body. If it is too small, then it's anemia, and you need to take supplements with iron. If the norm - you're just tired, "says the therapist.

In fact, the analysis in the normal range can mean the opposite of anemia diagnosis - hemochromatosis. In this genetic disease of the body absorbs the contrary, too much iron, Storage of his in the internal organs, thereby disrupting their work. And because the tests do not show anything unusual, and the disease is often diagnosed late stages, when the injury is very high. If you suspect, however, the disease is easy to install and cure.

Premature aging

The appearance of wrinkles and gray hair - a natural process, but do we like them to slow down and speed up, without knowing it.

For example, the famous «provocateur» aging skin is smoking. And recently, scientists have advanced the theory that aging contributes sweet. Products with rapidly digestible carbohydrates and greatly raise the level of sugar in the blood, the body can not effectively cope with it, and this leads to the formation of free radicals - they and destroy the cells in our body, the old tissues and organs. So, if you are afraid prematurely wrinkled, less often try to pamper yourself with chocolate and pastries. Change them to the fruit and nuts.

автор: Кр@сотк@

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